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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008: The Year in Review...

Well here it is, the 2008 Year in Review wrap-up. This year's recap includes:

--The top-5 music-related stories of '08,
--Favorite albums of the year, and
--Favorite live shows of the year.

Read it here. It's also in today's issue of The Reader. Check it out.

Hey, don't forget to enter to win a copy of the coveted Lazy-i Best of 2008 Compilation CD! All you have to do is e-mail me ( with your name and mailing address and you'll be entered into the drawing. Details and track order are right here. Enter today! Deadline's January 17.

So what's going on tonight? I generally stay in on NYE -- stay out of the line of fire, as it were. This year will likely be no exception. NYE is a bust for fans of good, original live music. Venues generally book cover bands in a desperate effort to draw the largest possible crowd of yahoos as possible. NYE, St. Patrick's Day, Halloween -- these are the harvest nights for bars. I can't says as I blame them for booking cover bands. Plus, what decent touring band is going to play in Omaha on NYE? Anyway, have a safe and happy New Year's Ever. See you in '09.

--Got comments? Post 'em here.--

posted by Tim at 5:50 PM

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